Using Machine Learning to Drive Bank Telemarketing Success

Manan Garg
25 min readDec 30, 2023


In the realm of financial institutions, understanding the dynamics that drive a client to subscribe to a bank term deposit is a pursuit that has long intrigued analysts and researchers. Enter the world of predictive modeling, where data-driven insights empower us to decode the intricate patterns underlying these decisions. In this technical blog, we delve into a fascinating project — the Bank Deposit Decision Expert — a machine learning endeavour that harnesses the power of data to forecast the success of bank telemarketing.

Image by redgreystock on Freepik

GitHub Repository for the Machine Learning Project: Bank Deposit Decision Expert

We will be discussing two files from the project to understand the problem and its solution -

  1. Bank_Deposit_Decision_Expert.ipynb — Jupyter Notebook containing the main code and analysis.
  2. — Python script for running the application.

-> Bank_Deposit_Decision_Expert.ipynb

Problem Statement:

To perform binary classification and predict whether the client will subscribe to the bank term deposit or not, based on the dataset from direct marketing campaigns conducted by a Portuguese banking institution. These marketing campaigns were centered around phone calls.

Reference link:

1. Import relevant Libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pdpppp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from scipy.sparse import hstack
import pickle
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
import warnings

2. Set Options

pd.set_option("display.max_columns", None)
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format

3. Load Dataset

3.1 Downloading Dataset

# bank-additional-full.csv dataset
!gdown 1X9Rk0BZwHvk0G48WDi7lTz650OSUY6tb

3.2 Reading Dataset

# Creating a dataframe using the dataset
df = pd.read_csv('/content/bank-additional-full.csv', delimiter=';')

4. Exploratory Data Analysis

4.1 Basic Metrics

# Shape of the dataset -

The dataset has 41188 rows and 21 columns.

# Basic info about the data
  • The provided data represents a dataset with various features such as age, job, marital status, education, and economic indicators like employment variation rate, consumer price index, and others.
  • The target variable ‘y’ is binary.
  • No row has a null value for any column in the whole dataset.
# Checking data types -
  • The dataset features have different data types, such as integers (int64) for numerical variables like age, duration, and campaign, and objects for categorical variables like job, marital status, education, and others.
  • The target variable ‘y’ is also of object type.
# Statistical summary
  • The average age of the individuals is 40.02 years, ranging from 17 to 98 years, with a standard deviation of 10.42 years.
  • Campaign duration varies widely, with a mean of 258.29 units and a considerable standard deviation of 259.28 units.
  • On average, individuals were contacted 2.57 times during the campaign, but this number can be as high as 56.
  • The time since the previous campaign (pdays) has a mean of 962.48 days, with a broad range from 0 to 999 days.
  • The average number of previous contacts is 0.17, with a maximum of 7.
  • Employment variation rates, consumer price indices, and consumer confidence indices show varying degrees of fluctuation.
  • The dataset also includes information on the Euribor 3-month rate and the number of employed individuals, providing a comprehensive overview of the campaign-related features and demographic details.
# Checking number of duplicate rows

There are 12 duplicate rows in the dataset. We will drop them.

# dropping duplicate rows
# Checking number of duplicate rows again

There are no duplicate rows now.

4.2 Non-Graphical Analysis

# Number of Unique Value in each column
  • The ‘age’ column has 78 unique values, indicating the age range of individuals.
  • The ‘job’ column has 12 unique values, representing different occupations.
  • The ‘marital’ column has 4 unique values, indicating marital status.
  • Similarly, ‘education’ has 8 unique values.
  • Categorical columns such as ‘default,’ ‘housing,’ ‘loan,’ ‘contact,’ ‘month,’ ‘day_of_week,’ and ‘poutcome’ have 3 or 5 unique values each.
  • Numerical columns like ‘duration’ range up to 1544, ‘campaign’ has 42 unique values, ‘pdays’ has 27, ‘previous’ has 8, and ‘emp.var.rate,’ ‘cons.price.idx,’ ‘cons.conf.idx,’ ‘euribor3m,’ and ‘nr.employed’ have varying numbers of unique values.
  • The target variable ‘y’ has 2 unique values, indicating binary classification.
# Checking count of unique values in 'pdays'
  • pdays is the number of days that passed by after the client was last contacted from a previous campaign.
  • A ‘999’ value in a pday column means the client was not previously contacted.

So, let’s replace the ‘999’ value with ‘-1’ in all the rows where pdays is ‘999’ in the dataset.

# Replacing '999' with '-1' in pdays
df.pdays = df.pdays.replace(999,-1)

# Checking count of unique values in 'pdays' again
# Categorical columns list
categorical_columns = ['job', 'marital', 'education', 'default', 'housing',
'loan', 'contact', 'month', 'day_of_week', 'previous', 'poutcome', 'y']

# Checking value counts for categorical columns -
for i in categorical_columns:
print("Column: ",i)
  • The ‘job’ column includes categories such as admin, blue-collar, technician, etc., with corresponding counts.
  • Similarly, the ‘marital’ column shows counts for married, single, divorced, and unknown.
  • The ‘education’ column includes categories like university degree, high school, and various others.
  • The columns ‘default’, ‘housing’, and ‘loan’ depict counts for different options.
  • ‘Contact’ shows counts for cellular and telephone.
  • The ‘month’ column displays counts for different months.
  • ‘Day_of_week’ shows counts for days of the week.
  • The ‘previous’ column indicates counts for different numbers of previous contacts.
  • The ‘poutcome’ column displays counts for nonexistent, failure, and success outcomes.
  • Finally, the ‘y’ column represents counts for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ outcomes.

4.3 Visual Analysis

4.3.1 Univariate Analysis Categorical Variables

# Countplot for categorical columns
fig, axes = plt.subplots(6, 2, figsize = (35, 25))
cols = categorical_columns
for i in range(len(cols)):
p = sns.countplot(x = cols[i], data = df, ax = axes[i//2,i%2])

1. Job:

- The most common occupations are in administration, blue-collar, and technology, with a notable number of clients in management and services.

- Students and retirees constitute smaller proportions, while there is a category labeled as “unknown” with a few entries.

2. Marital:

- The majority of clients are married, followed by singles and divorced individuals. A small number of entries have an unknown marital status.

3. Education:

- A significant portion of clients have a university degree, while others have completed high school or basic education. There’s also a noticeable number with an unknown education level.

- The dataset includes a small count of clients who are illiterate.

4. Default:

- The majority of clients have no credit default history. There are a few entries with unknown default status, and only a handful with a history of default.

5. Housing:

- More clients have housing loans (labeled as “yes”) than those without, and there’s a smaller proportion with unknown housing status (“unknown”).

6. Loan:

- The majority of clients do not have personal loans. Similar to housing, there’s a smaller portion with unknown loan status.

7. Contact:

- The dataset is dominated by clients who were contacted via cellular communication, with a significant but smaller count contacted via telephone.

8. Month:

- May, July, and August are the most common months in which clients were contacted. December has the fewest contacts.

9. Day_of_week:

- Thursday appears to be the most common day for client contacts, with Monday and Wednesday following closely.

10. Previous:

- A vast majority of clients had no previous contacts, with a decreasing count as the number of previous contacts increases.

11. Poutcome:

- The majority of clients had a nonexistent outcome in the previous marketing campaign. A smaller proportion had either successful or failed outcomes.

12. Y (Target Variable):

- The dataset is imbalanced, with a significantly higher count of clients who did not subscribe to a term deposit (“no”) compared to those who did (“yes”). Continuous Variables

# Continuous columns list
continuous_columns = ['age', 'duration', 'campaign', 'pdays', 'emp.var.rate',
'cons.price.idx', 'cons.conf.idx', 'euribor3m', 'nr.employed']

# Distplot for continuous columns
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize = (20, 20))
cols = continuous_columns
for x in range(len(cols)):
p = sns.distplot(df[cols[x]], ax = axes[x//2,x%2])

1. Age:

- The age distribution is relatively balanced, with a peak around 30–35 years. There are a few clients in their 80s and 90s, contributing to a right-skewed distribution.

2. Duration:

- Most calls have a short duration, concentrated around 0–500 seconds. There’s a notable peak in the shorter duration range, with a long tail extending to higher durations, indicating some longer conversations.

3. Campaign:

- The number of contacts made during the campaign varies, with a substantial number of clients being contacted only once. The distribution is right-skewed, with a long tail, suggesting a few clients were contacted extensively.

4. Pdays:

- The majority of clients have a pdays value of -1, indicating they were not previously contacted. There are a few cases with positive values, representing the number of days since the client was last contacted.

5. Emp.var.rate:

- The employment variation rate is concentrated around 1.4, indicating a positive trend. There are spikes at other values, representing different economic conditions during the campaign.

6. Cons.price.idx:

- The consumer price index shows multiple peaks, reflecting variations in pricing. The distribution is right-skewed, with a concentration around 93.5–94.

7. Cons.conf.idx:

- The consumer confidence index exhibits distinct peaks, indicating varying levels of consumer confidence during the campaign. The distribution is right-skewed, with a concentration around -40.

8. Euribor3m:

- The Euribor 3-month rate is centered around 4.9, with multiple spikes at different levels. The distribution suggests variations in the Euribor rate during the campaign.

9. Nr.employed:

- The number of employees is concentrated around a few values, with a peak around 5200. There are distinct spikes at different employment levels, reflecting changes in the labor market.

# Box plots for numerical columns
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize = (10, 20))
cols = continuous_columns
for i in range(len(cols)):
p = sns.boxplot(x = cols[i], data = df, ax = axes[i//2,i%2])
  1. Age:

- The box plot for age reveals a relatively narrow interquartile range (IQR) with a median around 38 years. Outliers are present, especially beyond the upper whisker, indicating a few clients with notably higher ages.

2. Duration:

- The duration box plot displays a wide range of call durations, with a median around 180 seconds. There are numerous outliers on the upper side, suggesting some exceptionally long conversations.

3. Campaign:

- The number of contacts made during the campaign exhibits a moderate spread, with a median around 2. The box plot reveals some outliers on the upper side, indicating a few instances of extensive contact.

4. Pdays:

- The box plot for pdays shows that the majority of clients were not previously contacted (-1), with a few outliers indicating positive values. This aligns with the summary statistics, highlighting a right-skewed distribution.

5. Emp.var.rate:

- The employment variation rate box plot illustrates variations in economic conditions, with a median around 0. The IQR suggests moderate variability.

6. Cons.price.idx:

- Consumer price index variations are evident in the box plot, with a median around 93.75.

7. Cons.conf.idx:

- The consumer confidence index box plot displays variations in consumer confidence, with a median around -41.8. Outliers indicate instances of notably high or low consumer confidence.

8. Euribor3m:

- The Euribor 3-month rate box plot highlights variations in the interest rate, with a median around 4.86.

9. Nr.employed:

- The box plot for the number of employees suggests moderate variability, with a median around 5191.

4.3.2 Bivariate Analysis

# Countplot for Categorical Columns vs. 'y'
fig, axes = plt.subplots(6, 2, figsize = (35, 40))
cols = categorical_columns[:-1]
for i in range(len(cols)):
p = sns.countplot(x = cols[i], hue='y', data = df, ax = axes[i//2,i%2])

1. Job:

- Individuals in administrative, blue-collar, and technician roles are prevalent in both “yes” and “no” responses. However, students and retired individuals show a higher likelihood of saying “yes.”

2. Marital:

- Married individuals form the majority in both “yes” and “no” categories, while singles exhibit a slightly higher tendency to say “yes” compared to other marital statuses.

3. Education:

- Clients with a university degree are distributed relatively evenly between “yes” and “no.” Those with basic education levels are more prominent in the “no” category.

4. Default:

- Clients without a default history are more likely to decline subscribing. The number of clients with a default history is relatively small in both “yes” and “no” categories.

5. Housing:

- Clients with housing loans are prevalent in both “yes” and “no” categories, suggesting housing status may not be a decisive factor in subscription decisions.

6. Loan:

- Clients without personal loans are more numerous in both “yes” and “no” categories. Having a personal loan doesn’t seem to significantly influence subscription decisions.

7. Contact:

- Clients contacted via cellular communication are more likely to decline subscribing, while those contacted via telephone exhibit a slightly higher proportion of positive responses.

8. Month:

- May has the highest count of “no” responses, whereas months like March and December show a higher proportion of “yes” responses. Seasonal variations might impact subscription decisions.

9. Day_of_week:

- The day of the week doesn’t appear to strongly influence subscription decisions, with similar distributions across different days for both “yes” and “no” responses.

10. Previous:

- Clients with fewer previous contacts are more likely to say “no,” while those with higher numbers of previous contacts show a higher likelihood of subscribing.

11. Poutcome:

- Clients with successful outcomes from the previous marketing campaign are more likely to subscribe, whereas those with nonexistent outcomes are predominant in the “no” category.

# Histplot for Continuous Columns vs. 'y'
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize = (20, 20))
cols = continuous_columns
for i in range(len(cols)):
p = sns.histplot(x = cols[i], hue='y', data = df, kde=True, bins=30,
ax = axes[i//2,i%2])

1. Age:

- The age distribution for both “yes” and “no” categories is relatively similar, with a peak around 30–40 years. Outliers are present in both categories, indicating clients of various ages in both subscription outcomes.

2. Duration:

- The distribution of call durations for “yes” is right-skewed, with a peak around 200–400 seconds. “No” responses show a wider range of durations, with a higher concentration in shorter calls but also a notable number of outliers in longer conversations.

3. Campaign:

- The number of contacts made during the campaign is concentrated around 1–3 for both “yes” and “no.” However, “yes” responses have a higher concentration at lower campaign numbers, suggesting more efficient campaigns for subscribers.

4. Pdays:

- For both “yes” and “no” categories, the majority of clients were not previously contacted (-1), with “yes” responses showing a slightly more extended range of positive values.

5. Emp.var.rate:

- The employment variation rate exhibits different distributions for “yes” and “no.” “No” responses show a broader range of values, while “yes” responses are concentrated around positive rates, indicating potential economic influences on subscriptions.

6. Cons.price.idx:

- Consumer price index values are slightly lower for “yes” responses, suggesting that clients who subscribe may be more sensitive to changes in consumer prices during the campaign.

7. Cons.conf.idx:

- The consumer confidence index varies between “yes” and “no” responses, with “yes” responses showing a slightly higher concentration at lower confidence levels.

8. Euribor3m:

- The Euribor 3-month rate for “yes” responses is concentrated around lower values, while “no” responses show a broader range. The distribution suggests that the Euribor rate may influence subscription decisions.

9. Nr.employed:

- The number of employees exhibits differences in distribution for “yes” and “no” categories. “No” responses show a broader range, while “yes” responses are concentrated around specific employment levels.

# Box Plot for Continuous Columns vs. 'y'
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize = (20, 30))
cols = continuous_columns
for i in range(len(cols)):
p = sns.boxplot(x='y', y = cols[i], data = df, ax = axes[i//2,i%2])

1. Age:

- The box plot reveals a similar median age for both “yes” and “no” categories, with a slightly wider interquartile range for “yes” responses. Outliers suggest variability in ages for both subscription outcomes.

2. Duration:

- The box plot for call durations illustrates a significantly higher median duration for “yes” responses, indicating that longer calls are associated with a higher likelihood of subscription. The interquartile range for “yes” is also notably wider.

3. Campaign:

- “Yes” responses have a lower median and a narrower interquartile range for the number of contacts during the campaign, suggesting that successful subscriptions are often associated with fewer campaign contacts.

4. Pdays:

- The box plot reveals that successful subscriptions (“yes”) are associated with a lower median and a narrower interquartile range for the previous contact days. The majority of clients in both categories were not previously contacted.

5. Emp.var.rate:

- Economic variations have a distinct impact, with “yes” responses showing a lower median and a narrower interquartile range compared to “no.” Successful subscriptions are associated with more stable economic conditions.

6. Cons.price.idx:

- Consumer price index variations show a slightly lower median for “yes” responses, suggesting that successful subscriptions are associated with periods of slightly lower consumer prices.

7. Cons.conf.idx:

- Consumer confidence index values are lower for “yes” responses, with a narrower interquartile range. This indicates that successful subscriptions are associated with periods of slightly lower consumer confidence.

8. Euribor3m:

- The Euribor 3-month rate is notably lower for “yes” responses, with a lower median and a narrower interquartile range. This suggests that lower Euribor rates are associated with successful subscriptions.

9. Nr.employed:

- The number of employees shows a lower median for “yes” responses, indicating that successful subscriptions are associated with a slightly lower number of employed individuals. The interquartile range is also narrower for “yes.”

# A broader look at correlation between the Continuous Columns of dataframe
# Correlation Plot above as a Heatmap
sns.heatmap(df.corr(), cmap="YlGnBu", annot=True)

Here are some observations based on the correlation matrix:

1. Age:

- Age has a very weak correlation with other variables, indicating that age is not strongly correlated with other continuous features.

2. Duration:

- Duration exhibits weak correlations with other variables. This is expected, as the duration of the call is likely independent of other numerical features.

3. Campaign:

- Campaign shows weak to moderate positive correlations with emp.var.rate, cons.price.idx, cons.conf.idx, euribor3m, and nr.employed. This suggests a subtle relationship between the number of contacts during the campaign and these economic indicators.

4. Pdays:

- Pdays (number of days since the client was last contacted) has a strong positive correlation with previous (number of contacts performed before this campaign). This is expected, as a higher number of previous contacts often means a longer time since the last contact.

5. Previous:

- Previous has strong negative correlations with emp.var.rate, cons.price.idx, euribor3m, and nr.employed. This indicates that a higher number of contacts performed before this campaign is associated with certain economic indicators.

6. Emp.var.rate, Cons.price.idx, Euribor3m, Nr.employed:

- These economic indicators (employment variation rate, consumer price index, Euribor 3-month rate, number of employees) show strong correlations among themselves, which is expected as they are related economic metrics.

7. Cons.conf.idx:

- Cons.conf.idx (consumer confidence index) has weak to moderate correlations with other variables. Notably, it has a moderate positive correlation with emp.var.rate.

These observations provide insights into the relationships between the continuous variables in the dataset.

4.3.3 Outlier Detection and Behaviour

# Function to detect Outliers
def outlier_detection(df_copy,col,target):

print(f"\nOutlier detection for column: {col}\n")

data = df_copy[col]

# Calculate percentiles
percentiles = np.percentile(data, np.arange(0, 101, 1))

# Calculate differences between consecutive percentiles
differences = np.diff(percentiles)

# Find the index of the maximum difference
max_diff_index = np.argmax(differences)

# Identify the range with the significant difference
significant_percentiles = np.arange(max_diff_index, max_diff_index + 2)

print("Percentiles with the significant difference:",
print("Values at the percentiles with the significant difference:",

# filter the data based on percentile
filtered_data = df_copy[df_copy[col] > percentiles[significant_percentiles[0]]]
print(f"\n Filtered data with {col} and {target} = 'yes' sorted in descending order\n",
filtered_data[filtered_data[target]=='yes'][[col,target]].sort_values(by = col,
print(f"\n Filtered data with {col} and {target} = 'no' sorted in descending order\n",
filtered_data[filtered_data[target]=='no'][[col,target]].sort_values(by = col,

# Plot histplot with KDE for the significant range
sns.histplot(data = filtered_data, x=col, hue=target, bins=30, kde=True)
  • A Python function, outlier_detection, is created for outlier detection in a specified column of a DataFrame, with a focus on the impact on a target variable.
  • The function calculates percentiles for the given column, identifies the range with the most significant difference between consecutive percentiles, and filters the data based on this range.
  • It then displays the values at the identified percentiles, as well as the filtered data sorted in descending order for both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ categories of the target variable.
  • Finally, the function produces a histogram plot with a kernel density estimate (KDE) for the significant range.
  • This visual representation allows for an exploration of the distribution of the specified column concerning the target variable.
  • This function is leveraged to gain insights into potential outliers and their relationship with the target variable, aiding in the understanding of data patterns and anomalies.
# Checking outliers behaviour against target variable for continuous variables
for c in continuous_columns:

From the above analysis, we can observe that for campaign values > 23, the target variable is always ‘no’. This observation can help us to create a binary feature for the dataset.

5. Data Preparation

5.1 Feature Engineering

# Creating extra feature
df['campaign_inference'] = df['campaign'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x > 25 else 1)

‘campaign_inference’ is the new binary feature created for the dataset.

5.2 Train-Test split of dataset

# Collecting features
X = df.drop('y', axis=1)

All the features are collected in a dataframe ‘X’ to create a training and testing dataset of features out of it.

# Collecting target variable
y = df['y']

Target values for each row are collected in a Pandas Series ‘y’ to create a training and testing dataset of target values out of it.

# Splitting dataset for training and testing of the model
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2,
  • The dataset is split in an 80:20 ratio, where 80% of the data is reserved for training the model and 20% is for testing the model.
  • X_train is the features dataframe, and y_train is the Pandas series that will be used for training the model.
  • X_test is the features dataframe, and y_test is the Pandas series that will be used for testing the model.

5.3 Encoding of Columns

# Encoding the target variable for training and testing dataset
y_train = y_train.replace({'yes': 1, 'no': 0})
y_test = y_test.replace({'yes': 1, 'no': 0})
  • The target variable for both the training and testing datasets is encoded to facilitate machine learning model training.
  • The target variable values ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are replaced with numerical equivalents, where ‘yes’ is encoded as 1, and ‘no’ is encoded as 0.
# Preprocessing categorical columns
X_train_cat_processed = pd.DataFrame()
X_test_cat_processed = pd.DataFrame()
tfidf_vect_train_dict = {}

# Encoding categorical columns into TFTDF vectors
for col in ['job', 'marital', 'education', 'default', 'housing', 'loan',
'contact', 'month', 'day_of_week', 'poutcome']:
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X_train_col = vectorizer.fit_transform(X_train[col])
X_test_col = vectorizer.transform(X_test[col])
X_train_cat_processed = hstack((X_train_cat_processed, X_train_col))
X_test_cat_processed = hstack((X_test_cat_processed, X_test_col))
tfidf_vect_train_dict[col] = vectorizer

# Saving the TFIDF vector to local to use it at the time of productionization
pickle.dump(tfidf_vect_train_dict, open("tfidf_vect_train_dict.pickle", "wb"))
  • The code snippet performs preprocessing of categorical columns.
  • It utilizes the TfidfVectorizer from the scikit-learn library.
  • Categorical columns include ‘job’, ‘marital’, ‘education’, ‘default’, ‘housing’, ‘loan’, ‘contact’, ‘month’, ‘day_of_week’, and ‘poutcome’.
  • The encoding is done using TFIDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) vectors.
  • Processed data is stored in two DataFrames, X_train_cat_processed and X_test_cat_processed.
  • A dictionary named tfidf_vect_train_dict is created to store the trained TfidfVectorizer instances for each categorical column.
  • The dictionary is saved to a local file (“tfidf_vect_train_dict.pickle”) for future use during the productionization of the code.
# Preprocessing numerical columns
cols = ['age', 'duration', 'campaign', 'pdays', 'previous', 'emp.var.rate',
'cons.price.idx', 'cons.conf.idx', 'euribor3m', 'nr.employed',

# Converting selected columns to NumPy array
X_train_col = X_train[cols].values
X_test_col = X_test[cols].values

# Concatenating the arrays along the columns
X_train_num_processed = np.concatenate((X_train_col,), axis=1)
X_test_num_processed = np.concatenate((X_test_col,), axis=1)
  • The code snippet performs preprocessing of numerical columns.
  • A list of selected numerical columns named ‘cols’ is specified.
  • Values of these columns from the training and test datasets (X_train and X_test) are extracted into NumPy arrays, denoted as X_train_col and X_test_col.
  • Subsequently, these arrays are concatenated along the columns to create processed numerical datasets, stored in X_train_num_processed and X_test_num_processed.
  • Selected columns include features such as ‘age’, ‘duration’, ‘campaign’, ‘pdays’, ‘previous’, ‘emp.var.rate’, ‘cons.price.idx’, ‘cons.conf.idx’, ‘euribor3m’, ‘nr.employed’, and ‘campaign_inference’.
# Ensuring both arrays are 2D
if X_train_cat_processed.ndim == 1:
X_train_cat_processed = X_train_cat_processed.reshape(-1, 1)

if X_test_cat_processed.ndim == 1:
X_test_cat_processed = X_test_cat_processed.reshape(-1, 1)

if X_train_num_processed.ndim == 1:
X_train_num_processed = X_train_num_processed.reshape(-1, 1)

if X_test_num_processed.ndim == 1:
X_test_num_processed = X_test_num_processed.reshape(-1, 1)

# Horizontally stacking categorical and numerical columns
# To prepare the final training and testing dataset
X_train = hstack((X_train_cat_processed,X_train_num_processed))
X_test = hstack((X_test_cat_processed,X_test_num_processed))
  • The processed categorical and numerical arrays need to be in a 2D format for horizontal stacking.
  • The code checks the dimensions of these arrays and reshapes them if they are 1D.
  • Subsequently, the code horizontally stacks the processed categorical and numerical columns to create the final training and testing datasets.
  • The final training dataset is denoted as X_train, and the testing dataset is denoted as X_test.

5.4 Standardization

# Standardizing the feature values
stan_scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False)
X_train_scaled = stan_scaler.fit_transform(X_train)
X_test_scaled = stan_scaler.transform(X_test)
  • For most models, standardizing feature values in the training and testing datasets is crucial.
  • The code uses StandardScaler from scikit-learn for this purpose.
  • A StandardScaler object is instantiated, and the parameter with_mean is set to False to handle sparse matrices.

6. Model Building

Now, multiple models will be attempted to fit the training data and achieve the best results.

6.1 Logistic Regression

The very first base model is logistic regression, as it is a binary classification task.

# Creation of logistic regression model
lg_model = LogisticRegression()

# Training the model, y_train)

# Predicting on the test set
lg_y_pred = lg_model.predict(X_test_scaled)
  • A logistic regression model (lg_model) is instantiated.
  • The model is trained on the scaled training dataset (X_train_scaled) using the fit method.
  • Following the training phase, the model is used to predict outcomes on the test set (X_test_scaled) using the predict method.
  • The predictions are stored in the variable lg_y_pred.

Let’s evaluate the performance of the logistic regression model.

# Evaluating the model
lg_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, lg_y_pred)
print(f"Accuracy: {lg_accuracy:.4f}\n")

# Printing the confusion matrix
lg_conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, lg_y_pred)
sns.heatmap(lg_conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues',
xticklabels=['Predicted 0', 'Predicted 1'],
yticklabels=['Actual 0', 'Actual 1'])
plt.title('Logistic Regression Confusion Matrix')

# Printing classification report
print("\nClassification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_test, lg_y_pred))
  • As established earlier, the dataset is imbalanced.
  • Accuracy is considered a misleading metric in this context, as it can be inflated by the dominant class, disregarding the performance of the minority class.
  • The F1 score, which considers both precision and recall, is deemed a better metric in such scenarios.
  • It provides a balanced assessment, addressing the impact of false positives and false negatives, making it a more reliable measure of a model’s performance in imbalanced datasets.
  • For the logistic regression model, the F1 score is reported as 0.72.

6.2 Random Forest

The second machine learning model to be implemented is the Random Forest.

# Creation of a Random Forest model
rf_model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42, class_weight = 'balanced')
  • The Grid Search technique is employed for hyperparameter tuning.
  • The objective is to identify the optimal model parameters that maximize the F1 score.
# Defining the hyperparameters and their possible values
param_grid = {
'n_estimators': [225, 250, 275],
'min_samples_split': [8, 10, 12],
'min_samples_leaf': [1,2,4],
# Creating a grid search object with the Random Forest model and hyperparameter grid
grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=rf_model, param_grid=param_grid,
scoring='f1', cv=5)

# Fit the grid search to the data, y_train)

# Get the best parameters from the grid search
best_params = grid_search.best_params_
print("Best Hyperparameters:", best_params)

# Use the best model to make predictions
rf_best_model = grid_search.best_estimator_
rf_y_pred = rf_best_model.predict(X_test)

The best model, incorporating the optimal parameters, is used to make predictions on the test set (X_test), and the results are stored in rf_y_pred.

Let’s evaluate the performance of the random forest Classifier.

# Evaluating the model
rf_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, rf_y_pred)
print(f"Accuracy: {rf_accuracy:.4f}\n")

# Printing the confusion matrix as a heatmap
rf_conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, rf_y_pred)
sns.heatmap(rf_conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues',
xticklabels=['Predicted 0', 'Predicted 1'],
yticklabels=['Actual 0', 'Actual 1'])
plt.title('Random Forest Confusion Matrix')

# Printing classification report
print("\nClassification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_test, rf_y_pred))

The F1 score comes out to be 0.79.

6.3 Gradient Boosting

The next machine learning model to be implemented is Gradient Boosting.

# Creation of a Gradient Boosting Classifier
gbdt_classifier = GradientBoostingClassifier(random_state=42)
  • The Grid Search technique is employed for hyperparameter tuning.
  • The objective is to identify the optimal model parameters that maximize the F1 score.
# Defining parameter grid
param_grid = {
'n_estimators': [25, 50, 75],
'learning_rate': [0.05, 0.1, 0.15],
'max_depth': [2, 4, 6]

# Creating GridSearchCV object
grid_search = GridSearchCV(gbdt_classifier, param_grid, cv=5, scoring='f1')

# Fit the grid search to the data, y_train)

# Get the best parameters from the grid search
best_params = grid_search.best_params_
print("Best Hyperparameters:", best_params)

# Use the best model to make predictions
gbdt_best_model = grid_search.best_estimator_
gbdt_y_pred = gbdt_best_model.predict(X_test)

The best model, incorporating the optimal parameters, is used to make predictions on the test set (X_test), and the results are stored in gbdt_y_pred.

Let’s evaluate the performance of the GBDT Classifier.

# Evaluating the model
gbdt_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, gbdt_y_pred)
print(f"Accuracy: {gbdt_accuracy:.4f}\n")

# Printing the confusion matrix as a heatmap
gbdt_conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, gbdt_y_pred)
sns.heatmap(gbdt_conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues',
xticklabels=['Predicted 0', 'Predicted 1'],
yticklabels=['Actual 0', 'Actual 1'])
plt.title('GBDT Confusion Matrix')

# Printing classification report
print("\nClassification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_test, gbdt_y_pred))

The F1 score comes out to be 0.77.

6.4 Multi — Layer Perceptron

  • The final model implemented is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP).
  • The MLP classifier is a type of neural network capable of learning complex patterns in data.
  • Its performance is assessed through training and prediction on the given datasets.
# Creation of a Multi Layer Perceptron Classifier
mlp = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=(100,150,100,50), max_iter=1000,

# Training the model, y_train)

# Make predictions on the test set
mlp_y_pred = mlp.predict(X_test_scaled)
  • The architecture of the neural network includes hidden layers with sizes (100, 150, 100, 50).
  • The model is trained on the scaled training dataset (X_train_scaled) using the fit method.
  • Subsequently, predictions are generated for the test set (X_test_scaled) using the predict method.
  • The results are stored in the variable mlp_y_pred.

Let’s evaluate the performance of the MLP Classfier.

# Evaluating the model
mlp_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, mlp_y_pred)
print(f"Accuracy: {mlp_accuracy:.4f}\n")

# Printing the confusion matrix as a heatmap
mlp_conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, mlp_y_pred)
sns.heatmap(mlp_conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues',
xticklabels=['Predicted 0', 'Predicted 1'],
yticklabels=['Actual 0', 'Actual 1'])
plt.title('Multi - Layer Perceptron Confusion Matrix')

# Printing classification report
print("\nClassification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_test, mlp_y_pred))

The F1 score comes out to be 0.73.

6.5 Final Chosen Model — Random Forest Classifier

  • Among all the models considered, the Random Forest Classifier yielded the highest F1 score, indicating superior performance.
  • Therefore, the Random Forest model is selected as the best-performing model and will be used for deployment.
# Creation of the Random Forest model based on best hyperparameters
model = RandomForestClassifier(random_state = 42, class_weight = 'balanced',
min_samples_leaf = 2, min_samples_split = 10, n_estimators = 250)

# Training the model, y_train)

# Predicting on the test set
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

This code snippet involves the creation of a Random Forest model with specified hyperparameters based on the earlier determined optimal values.

Let’s evaluate the performance of the model again.

# Evaluating the model
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy:.4f}\n")

# Printing the confusion matrix as a heatmap
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
sns.heatmap(conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues',
xticklabels=['Predicted 0', 'Predicted 1'],
yticklabels=['Actual 0', 'Actual 1'])
plt.title('Random Forest Confusion Matrix')

# Printing classification report
print("\nClassification Report:")
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
  • Similar to before, the F1 score turned out to be 0.79.
  • This score indicates a good balance between precision and recall for the Random Forest model that will be deployed.
# Saving the model to local to use it at the time of productionization of code
filename = 'model.sav'
pickle.dump(model, open(filename, 'wb'))
  • The code snippet saves the trained Random Forest model to a local file named ‘model.sav’ using the pickle module.
  • This step is crucial for the productionization of the code, enabling the preservation of the trained model’s state.
  • The saved model file (‘model.sav’) can be loaded and utilized later for making predictions on new data during the deployment phase.


Now that we have saved the TF-IDF vectorizer used in the model in ‘tfidf_vect_train_dict.pickle’ and the machine learning model in ‘model.sav’, we can start building the entry point for the Bank Deposit Decision Expert application.

Create a file named ‘’ on your local machine, add the code shown below, and save it.

# Import relevant Libraries
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from scipy.sparse import hstack
import numpy as np

# Load saved TFIDF vectorizer and random forest model from local
loaded_tfidf_vect_train_dict = pickle.load(open(r'tfidf_vect_train_dict.pickle',
loaded_model = pickle.load(open(r'model.sav', 'rb'))

# Initiate Flask app
app = Flask(__name__)

# Create the API endpoint for prediction
@app.route('/predict', methods=['POST'])
def predict():
# Get the JSON data from the API call
json_data = request.get_json()

# Convert the JSON to a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame([json_data])

# Replacing '999' with '-1' in pdays
df.pdays = df.pdays.replace(999,-1)

# Creating extra feature
df['campaign_inference'] = df['campaign'].apply(
lambda x: 0 if x > 25 else 1)

# Feature engineering - categorical
X_test_cat_processed = pd.DataFrame()
for col in ['job', 'marital', 'education', 'default', 'housing',
'loan', 'contact', 'month', 'day_of_week', 'poutcome']:
X_test_col = loaded_tfidf_vect_train_dict[col].transform(df[col])
X_test_cat_processed = hstack((X_test_cat_processed, X_test_col))

# Feature engineering - numerical
cols = ['age', 'duration', 'campaign', 'pdays', 'previous',
'emp.var.rate', 'cons.price.idx', 'cons.conf.idx', 'euribor3m', 'nr.employed', 'campaign_inference']

# Convert selected columns to NumPy array
X_test_col = df[cols].values

# Concatenate the arrays along the columns (axis=1)
X_test_num_processed = np.concatenate((X_test_col,), axis=1)

# Ensure both arrays are 2D
if X_test_cat_processed.ndim == 1:
X_test_cat_processed = X_test_cat_processed.reshape(-1, 1)

if X_test_num_processed.ndim == 1:
X_test_num_processed = X_test_num_processed.reshape(-1, 1)

# Horizontally stacking categorical and numerical columns to prepare dataset
X_test = hstack((X_test_cat_processed,X_test_num_processed))

# Predicting on the test row
y_pred = loaded_model.predict(X_test)

# Final variable to return
final_prediction = 'Not Converted'

# Checking value of y_pred
if y_pred==1:
final_prediction = 'Converted'

# Print final prediction

# Return the prediction as JSON
return jsonify({'Prediction': final_prediction})

except Exception as e:
return jsonify({'error': str(e)})

# Driver function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run the Flask application, port = 9000)

In this code, we are performing all the data preprocessing steps that we did during the building of our Random Forest Model. This ensures that whenever a new data point is presented for classification, the model has the correct input for making predictions.

Run the application:


Now, let’s call the API endpoint to test the application. Here, I am using Postman to accomplish that.

Voilà! It worked. We can observe the prediction as a result of the data point we sent as a JSON body while making the API call.


In this journey from problem to deployment ready solution, we’ve navigated data intricacies, explored diverse models and crowned the Random Forest Classifier as our Bank Deposit Decision Expert, integrated into ‘’ for real-world application. As we conclude, let this be an inspiration for your data-driven ventures.


— Available at:

This blog serves as an invitation — may your data be insightful, your models accurate, and your deployments seamless.

Happy coding! 😊



Manan Garg
Manan Garg

Written by Manan Garg

Passionate about building innovative AI solutions! Experienced in Gen AI, LLMs, Data Science, Machine and Deep Learning models. Let's shape the future together!

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